About Teachers Job Mela

 Our platform brings together over 100 schools and qualified teaching professionals under one roof, eliminating the hassle of traditional job hunting methods.

Welcome to First-of-its-kind Job Mela.

Exclusively for Schools & Teachers.

Representatives From 100+ Schools. Under One Roof.

The first-of-its-kind job mela for Teachers that provides an excellent platform to connect with representatives from nearly 100 schools at the same place, at the same time. Teachers looking for their next career milestone can register with us.

One Platform. 100+ Schools.

Our platform brings together over 100 schools and qualified teaching professionals under one roof.

For Teachers

Teachers can register for the event and connect with school representatives directly. 

For Schools.

Schools can meet prospective teachers directly at this job mela.

Easy Job Applications

Say goodbye to endless job applications. Our job fair enables direct interaction between teachers and school management, expediting the hiring process.

Great Opportunities!

Explore opportunities from a diverse range of schools without the need for individual applications.

Great Convenience

 No more scouring newspapers or online portals. Everything you need is right here at our job fair.

Direct Connections

Teachers can share their profiles directly with school representatives, facilitating meaningful connections.

How it works

Hiring & Job Placements for Teachers. Reimagined.

Registration: Sign up for the job fair as a teacher or school representative.

Attend the Fair: Join us on Monday, June 3, 2024  at Media Plus Auditorium, Gunfoundry, Hyderabad to connect with schools and teaching professionals.

Share Profiles: Teachers can showcase their skills directly to school management, while schools can find the perfect candidates hassle-free.

Why Choose Us

– Simplified process for both teachers and schools.

– Extensive network of reputable schools.

– Direct communication for efficient hiring.

– Time-saving and convenient.

Join us at the Teachers Job Fair and take the next step in your teaching career!

Directions to Program Venue